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Tales of Kenzera™: ZAU


Brave the beautiful and treacherous lands of Kenzera and learn more about locations you'll explore on your journey.


The great plainlands of Amandla are the home of Zau, in the far south of Kenzera.

Formerly the home of the Amandlans, they were a hardy and tough people, always seeking the pleasure in simplicity, placing spiritual connection above materialism or wealth.


The sanctuary of memories and great tales, Patakatifu forms the old crossroads that connects the lands of Kenzera.

Built in honor of the Great Spirits, many would visit the ancient pool to honor the past, reflect on the present and look forward to a hopeful future.


Once a vibrant and populous land, the Highlands have long been the home of the great village of Ikakaramba, home to brave and innovative souls nestling in the lush hills and cliffs.

Now, the land lies empty—spirits roaming the expanse in an evergreen paradise, now lost.


Amani, a bustling coastal city, is a cultural and geological foundation.
Known as the "beating drum at the center of the world," Amani is admired as a keystone of technology, innovation and progression. It is here that Zuberi calls home.


The woodlands of Kivuli are both dense and dangerous, perilous and engulfing swamps giving way to claustrophobic trees and foliage.
To live in the woodlands, as the Kivulians did, was to embrace both the shadow and the dark, a land smothered in darkness save for the very tops of the great trees. One thing all in Kenzera know is this: the woodlands are not a place for the unlearned stranger to wander.


The harsh and unforgiving deadlands of Itshoka are as unsafe as its namesake: a formidable, active volcano glares across an expanse of hostility and natural violence. It is nigh impossible to cross these lands without the right constitution.
Boiling hot springs erupt and burst high into the sky, and beyond there a desert littered with the ruins of broken history. All, however, circle the great mountain. Ever rumbling. Ever groaning.


A place both within us and around us. We must all go there one day, no matter how long it may take.
The ultimate terminus, or perhaps, as many Kenzerans believe, simply another stop on the great journey of existence.

Buy Tales of Kenzera: ZAU today and learn more about the beautiful but treacherous lands of Kenzera.