Tales of Kenzera™: ZAU
Own your journey alongside mythical characters and formidable foes from whom you will gain valuable life lessons.

The young Shaman of Amandla, Zau is a boy stricken by grief. The loss of his Baba brings a heavy toll.
Determined, Zau seeks out the aid of Kalunga, the god of death. His quest is simply said, yet no easy feat: to bring peace to three great spirits that have cheated death. In return, Kalunga will return his Baba to him.

The guardian of the border between the realm of the living and the dead. A deity of true power, laden with noble purpose. The god of death.
Choosing to manifest himself as an elderly man, Kalunga tows the line between warmth and bluntness; perhaps he sees promise in the Shaman Zau. Perhaps he does not. One certainty, however, is his intrigue for the boy.

The pained child. The reader of the story. Zuberi is a grieving son struggling to come to terms with an immense and sudden loss.
It is through Zau, the story his ailing Baba wrote in his last days, that he may find comfort, understanding...acceptance.

The sole surviving Ikakaramban, Liyana yearns for nothing more than to play with Impundulu again—the great spirit of the sky. Jovial and childlike, Liyana is a mind beyond her years.
Determined to see Impundulu, she is ever-warm to Zau's bravery and resolve.

The once close friend of Zau, Sabulana is the Shaman of Kivuli, and a custodian of the Woodlands. Learned on the ways of herbalism and healing, she is exceptionally wiser than her years.
It has been some time since Zau and Sabulana have seen one another; old friendships, new times.

An aged warrior of Itshoka, Bomani's warm demeanour has been darkened by worry for his son. Missing for some time now, the fear of his son's fate has mixed Bomani's sentimentality with bitter regret.
In his prime, Bomani roamed the desert, hunting down the swarms of Adze that lurked in the endless caverns beneath the sand. Now, as an older man, the worry for his son dominates him.

The compassionate and powerful mother of Zuberi, Mama provides a direct approach to helping her son deal with his grief.
Bestowing Zuberi the story of Zau, she hopes he can find an acceptance in himself...while having to come to terms with her own feelings of loss.

Mysterious yet benevolent creatures, Yumboes hail from a world of ever-present joy. Their lives are dripped in merriment, often dancing all night under the warm glow of the moonlight.
The Yumboes have now found their way to Kenzera. To sit with a Yumboe is to find a calm respite from troubling times.

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Ancestral Spirit Warriors, Roho ya Rungu are displaced and trapped in the world of the living. This unnatural displacement has caused them to become highly aggressive and violent.
These Roho ya Rungu became what they are through falling in brutal combat. Driven and poisoned by disrupted peace, their minds default to their training—the old tenets of fighting and hostility.

Known for their incredible aim, Roho ya Mtupaji were respected within Kenzera for their ability to hunt. Formerly ceremonial throwers drafted into combat, these warriors were deadly in the field, dominating tribal warfare with careful strategy and accuracy.
They cannot yet find peace, stranded in the world of the living and driven to madness. So alien are these spirits to this world now that they have warped and transformed, their legs burrowing deep into the ground like steadfast statues.

Tokoloshe are the warped and corrupted tricksters of life, revelling now in the chaos of their spirit form. Addicted to trickery, pranks and the acts of fools, those that still lurk in Kenzera are ever-presently hostile.
Their otherwise harmless pranks have given way to malice, a joke gone too far, a jest taken to dangerous levels. Twisted by the cruel witch doctors of the wild, they are now chaos incarnate, reformed with insidious intent.

It is said that of all creatures who once roamed this world, the Kongamato resided the longest. An ancient creature of an older era, it was assumed they had fallen extinct, an inevitability of changing times and the events of our history. Yet many remained here, locked into our world as lingering spirits.

Roho ya Ngao were some of the most valued foes in battle. Able to turn the tides of war with just a few incredibly trained warriors, it was said that in life they were born with a shield in their arm.
Formidable in the vanguard, their regimented mentality inspired fear in their enemies. Many fell in the battles of history, and the spirits that remain continue to fight like there is no tomorrow.

Namibs are believed to be vastly intelligent, ancient creatures of a world far far beyond ours. They are the creations of the Inkanyamba, the great serpent that flies between the worlds devouring those it interprets as failures. Namibs are knowledgeable, intimidating and relentless.

The Adze are not of this world. Intense fanatics, they are devoted to the will of a being known as Ba, to whom they interpreted to be the ultimate creator—the height of perfection in both being and knowledge. In their own world, far from Kenzera, they sought this striving for perfection to the detriment of all.
Roho ya Uwindaji were warriors of Kivuli, known for their agility and dexterity while using the spear. Easily underestimated in combat, these hunters were at the frontlines of many a hunt and battle.

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The Spirit of the Sky, riddled with anxiety on account of her daughter, Liyana. Impundulu did not want Liyana, a carefree child, to have to take her place, to become a Spirit of the Sky with all the responsibilities that come with it.
Once the benevolent Spirit of Nature, Kikiyaon was contorted and twisted by the raw fear of change. A cruel and malicious spirit, Kikiyaon used an illusion of Sabulana to lure Zau into a false sense of security.

The transformed and mutated son of Bomani, GaGorib was a grief-stricken young man who could not accept the death of his father. This denial, combined with a self-loathing over the nature of his father's passing filled him with the ancient and primordial elements of rage; a fire that could not be easily dulled.
Buy Tales of Kenzera: ZAU today and learn more about the mythical characters you'll meet along your journey.