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General Options

 gameplay and accessibility settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Pilot Head Bob

This option simulates natural head motion when your character is not in the javelin suit. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Hide Holstered Gear

Hides any gear that is holstered so it does not appear on your javelin suit. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.    


General Options

mouse keyboard settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Invert Look

Flips the default look controls when you’re in your javelin suit. The control for look up will now point the camera down and the control for look down will point the camera up. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


Invert Flight Look

Flips the default flight controls. The control for fly up will now cause you to fly down and the control for fly down will cause you to fly up. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


Invert Swim Look

Flips the default swim controls. The control for swim up will now cause you to swim down and the control for swim down will cause you to swim up. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


Invert Pilot Look

Flips the default look controls when you’re out of your javelin suit. The control for look up will now point the camera down and the control for look down will point the camera up. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


Sprint Mode

Choose the control mode between hold and toggle for how your character sprints. Hold means sprint control held to sprint and toggle means hit sprint control to start sprinting and hit the sprint control again to stop sprinting. Defaults to Toggle.


Flight Mode

Choose the control mode between hold and toggle for how your character flies. Hold means fly control held to fly and toggle means hit fly control to start flying and hit the fly control again to stop flying. Defaults to Toggle.


Zoom Mode

Choose the control mode between hold and toggle for zooming in. Hold means zoom control held to zoom in and toggle means hit zoom control to zoom in and hit the zoom control again to zoom out. Defaults to Hold.


Flight Take Off in Aim Direction

When you start flying, take off in the direction you are aiming, even if your character is facing away from it. You can turn this option Off or On. Defaults to On.


Controller Options

controller settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Aim Sensitivity

Adjust the controller aim sensitivity when you’re in the javelin suit. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Pilot Sensitivity

Adjust the controller aim sensitivity when you’re not in the javelin suit. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Zoomed Sensitivity

Adjust the controller aim sensitivity while zoomed. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Flight Sensitivity

Adjust the controller aim sensitivity while flying. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Swim Sensitivity

Adjust the controller aim sensitivity while swimming. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Control Stick Layout

Alter the left stick and right stick input layouts. Choose between Default, Southpaw, Legacy, and Southpaw Legacy options.


Alternate Button Configuration

Moves Reload/Interact/Switch weapon to [R] and moves Melee to [F]. You can turn this option Off or On. Defaults to Off.


Controller Vibration Amount

Adjust the intensity of the controller vibration. You can make changes to the controller vibration amount on a sliding scale.

Keyboard + Mouse Options

video settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Aim Sensitivity

Adjust the mouse aim sensitivity when you’re in the javelin suit. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Pilot Sensitivity

Adjust the mouse aim sensitivity when you’re not in the javelin suit. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Zoomed Sensitivity

Adjust the mouse aim sensitivity while zoomed. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Vertical Aim Sensitivity Modifier

Adjust how sensitive the mouse aim is in the vertical axis compared to the horizontal axis. Higher percentage value increases vertical sensitivity while lower value decreases it. When set at the default of 50%, it is a 1:1 ratio. Does not affect flying or swimming. You can make changes to the sensitivity modifier on a sliding scale.


Flight Sensitivity

Adjust the mouse aim sensitivity while flying. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Swim Sensitivity

Adjust the mouse aim sensitivity while swimming. You can make changes to the sensitivity on a sliding scale.


Flight Mouse Precision

Adjust how mouse movement speed is translated to the cursor. At the lowest end of 0%, cursor movement is treated the same regardless of input speed. At the highest end of 100%, there is dramatic differentiation between slow and fast input movements. Slow input speed results in shorter cursor distances. You can make changes to the mouse precision on a sliding scale.


Swim Mouse Precision

Adjust how mouse movement speed is translated to the cursor. At the lowest point of 0%, cursor movement is treated the same regardless of input speed. At the highest point of 100%, there is dramatic differentiation between slow and fast input movements. Slow input speed results in shorter cursor distances. You can make changes to the mouse precision on a sliding scale.


Flight Mouse Smoothing

Adjust how mouse movement affects movement in the game. This helps smooth jerky movements from raw input by blending input over time. At the lowest point of 0%, mouse input movement is not modified. It is raw input. At the highest point of 100% the mouse input is treated as a blend of past inputs and the most recent raw input. You can make changes to the sensitivity of this on a sliding scale.


Swim Mouse Smoothing

Adjust how mouse movement affects movement in the game. This helps smooth jerky movements from raw input by blending input over time. At the lowest point of 0%, mouse input movement is not modified. It is raw input. At the highest point of 100% the mouse input is treated as a blend of past inputs and the most recent raw input. You can make changes to the sensitivity of this on a sliding scale.


Flight Mouse Response

Adjust how mouse movement speed is translated to the cursor based on its on-screen location relative to center. At the lowest point of 0%, cursor movement is treated the same regardless of location. At the highest point of 100%, there is dramatic differentiation between movements in center from movements on the edges. Mouse movements near center move the cursor less distance than on the edges. You can make changes to the mouse response on a sliding scale.


Swim Mouse Response

Adjust how mouse movement speed is translated to the cursor based on its on-screen location relative to center. At the lowest point of 0%, cursor movement is treated the same regardless of location. At the highest point of 100%, there is dramatic differentiation between movements in center from movements on the edges. Mouse movements near center move the cursor less distance than on the edges. You can make changes to the mouse response on a sliding scale.


Auto-Centering Strength

Adjust how quickly the cursor automatically moves back to the center of the screen. At the lowest point of 0%, there is no auto-centering of the cursor. At the highest point of 100%, there is stronger and faster auto-centering of the cursor. You can make changes to the auto-centering strength on a sliding scale.


Auto-Centering Delay

Adjust delay before the cursor automatically moves back to the center of the screen. At the lowest point of 0%, there is no delay before auto-centering begins. At the highest point of 100%, there is a long delay before auto-centering begins. You can make changes to the auto-centering delay on a sliding scale.

Key Bindings Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Anthem on PC allows players to use either an external controller or a keyboard and mouse for the game controls. For those who use a keyboard and mouse, the key bindings control how your character moves, interacts with the in-game environment, and utilizes weapons and abilities. The key bindings menu allows you to modify the default keyboard controls. 


Volume Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Master Volume

Adjust the overall volume of all game audio. You can make changes to the volume on a sliding scale.


Music Volume

Adjust the volume of the music in the game. You can make changes to the volume on a sliding scale.


Voice-Over Volume

Adjust the volume of voices, verbal speech, and characters speaking in the game. You can make changes to the volume on a sliding scale.


SFX Volume

Adjust the volume of sound effects in the game. You can make changes to the volume on a sliding scale.


Bullet Impact Volume Modifier

Modifies the volume of bullet impacts against enemies within a range of 6 decibels. Defaults to 0 decibels.


Mute Game on Focus Loss

Mute game audio when game window isn’t the active window on your screen. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


Communication Menu

Enable or disable an option that allows audio to play when selecting an option from the Communication Menu.

Speaker Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Speaker Configuration

Select the speaker configuration that matches your listening setup. Choose between Stereo and Surround Sound. Defaults to Stereo.


Sound Preset

Dynamic Range and Equalizer Setting Presets. Choose between Home Theater, TV, Night, Headphones, or Logitech Pro G™ Headset. Defaults to Home Theater.    

VoIP Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.


Enable or disable voice chat with other players. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


VoIP Activation

Activate VoIP automatically or with a button press. Choose between Push-To-Talk and Voice Activation. Defaults to Push-To-Talk.


VoIP Volume

Adjust the volume of other players’ voices. You can make changes to the volume on a sliding scale.


VoIP Silence Threshold

Adjust the silence detection level for your microphone. You can make changes to the detection level on a sliding scale.


Text to Speech

Converts text to audio speech via VoIP. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


Speech to Text

Converts audio VoIP to text. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off. 


Display Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Full Screen Monitor

Sets the monitor to use for full screen.


Full Screen Resolution

Changes the resolution for the selected monitor in full screen. Changing this from the default setting may cause visual issues.


Full Screen Mode

Choose the display view for the game. Toggle between full screen, windowed, and borderless options.


Vertical Sync

Locks the frame rate to the refresh rate of the full screen display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Peripherals Lighting FX

Enable or disable LED effects on select peripherals such as keyboards, mice, headphones, and more. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


HDR Mode

Enable or disable high dynamic range support. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.    

Graphics Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.


Adjust the overall brightness of the game. Selecting this option will take you to another screen where you can adjust the game to your desired brightness.


Motion Blur

Change whether blur should be applied to objects in motion. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Depth of Field

Change whether distant objects should remain in focus. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Chromatic Aberration

Refers to the visual effect that adds colored fringes around objects. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Camera Shake

Adjusts the strength of camera shake. This is primarily used for fast movement and large explosion impacts. You can make changes to the strength of the camera shake on a sliding scale.    

Advanced Graphics Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

In the advanced graphics settings menu, you can adjust overall graphics quality of the game as well as specific graphics quality of various features within the game such as texture, lighting, effects, terrain, and more. The default setting is Ultra and modifying the graphics quality below that level will affect the visual clarity and quality of the game.

Field of View Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Ground FOV

Adjusts the camera’s field of view during on-foot gameplay when you’re in the javelin suit. Also applies during hover gameplay. You can make changes to the field of view on a sliding scale.


Zoomed FOV

Adjusts the camera’s field of view while weapon is zoomed. You can make changes to the field of view on a sliding scale.


Pilot FOV

Adjusts the camera’s field of view when you’re not in the javelin suit. You can make changes to the field of view on a sliding scale.


Flight FOV

Adjusts the camera’s field of view during flight. You can make changes to the field of view on a sliding scale.


Swim FOV

Adjusts the camera’s field of view while underwater. You can make changes to the field of view on a sliding scale.    


General Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Tutorial Pop-Ups

Tutorial pop-ups explain various screens, objects, and other useful features in the game. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Gameplay Hints

Useful gameplay hints can be shown in the game. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.    

HUD Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

HUD Visibility

Choose whether the heads up display is always visible or conditionally visible. Defaults to conditionally visible.


HUD Opacity

Adjust the overall opacity of the heads up display. You can make changes to the opacity on a sliding scale.


Breath Indicator

Enable or disable the breath indicator on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Compass Visibility

Enable or disable the compass on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Gear Visibility

Enable or disable the gear indicator on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


HUD Warnings

Enable or disable warning messages on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Objective Tracker Visibility

Enable or disable the objective tracker on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Overheat Visibility

Enable or disable the overheat indicator on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Player Damage Indicator

Enable or disable the damage indicator on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Shield/Armor Visibility

Enable or disable shield and armor indicators on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Weapon Widget Visibility

Enable or disable weapon widgets on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Ultimate Indicator

Enable or disable the ultimate ability indicator on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Exploration Reticle Visibility

Enable or disable the exploration reticle on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Exploration Reticle Style

Change the style of the exploration reticle. Choose between Circle and Dot. Defaults to Circle.


Weapon Reticle Visibility

Enable or disable the weapon reticle on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Flight Reticle Visibility

Enable or disable the flight reticle on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Buff/Debuff List Visibility

Enable or disable the list of buffs and debuffs on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Squad Status Visibility

Enable or disable squad status on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Start Expedition Visibility

Choose to always show the Start Expedition indicator on the HUD, or make it only conditionally visible while in a squad. Defaults to Always.


Log Visibility

You can choose to always show the log, or make it only conditionally visible. Defaults to Conditional.


Score Visibility

Enable or disable the Score indicator relevant for certain game modes and missions on the HUD. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.    

Damage Floaties Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Damage Floaties Enabled

Enable or disable damage floaties on the heads up display. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Damage Floaty Types

Choose which types of damage floaty are displayed. Choose between all types and critical types of damage floaty. Defaults to All types.


Damage Floaty Opacity

Adjust the opacity of the damage floaties on the heads up display. You can make changes to the opacity on a sliding scale.


Damage Floaty Size

Adjust the size of the damage floaties on the heads up display. You can make changes to the size on a sliding scale.    

In-World UI Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Enemy Health Bar Visibility

Enable or disable the visibility of enemy health bars. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Enemy Indicator Visibility

Enable or disable the visibility of indicator dots above enemies. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


NPC Health Bar Visibility

Enable or disable the visibility of allied NPC health bars. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


NPC Indicator Visibility

Enable or disable the visibility of indicator dots above allied NPCs. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Object Health Bar Visibility

Enable or disable the visibility of item and object health bars. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.    


audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Text Size

Adjusts the size of text shown in the log. You can choose small, medium, or large. Defaults to Medium.


Communication Menu

You can choose to enable or disable showing text from the Communication Menu in the log. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On. 


Languages and Subtitles

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.


Enable or disable subtitles in the game. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


Subtitle Size

Change the size of the subtitles in the game. Choose between Small, Medium, and Large size for the subtitles. Defaults to Medium. A preview of the size of the subtitles is generated as you toggle between the options.


Audio Chat Assist

Opens the game chat through verbal commands while the game is paused. This option is currently only available in English. This feature can be turned On or Off. Defaults to Off.    

Visual Feedback Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.

Color-Blind Filter

There are three color-blind filters that can be applied to the visual images in the game. Choose between protanopia, which compensates for a red-green color deficit; deuteranopia, which compensates for a green-red color deficit; and tritanopia, which compensates for a blue-yellow color deficit. The default setting for this feature is No Correction, which does not apply any color-blind filter to the visual images in the game.

VoIP Options

audio settings tab on main settings menu screen.


Enable or disable voice chat with other players. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to On.


VoIP Activation

Activate VoIP automatically or with a button press. Choose between Push-To-Talk and Voice Activation. Defaults to Push-To-Talk.


VoIP Volume

Adjust the volume of other players’ voices. You can make changes to the volume on a sliding scale.


VoIP Silence Threshold

Adjust the silence detection level for your microphone. You can make changes to the detection level on a sliding scale.


Text to Speech

Converts text to audio speech via VoIP. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off.


Speech to Text

Converts audio VoIP to text. You can turn this option On or Off. Defaults to Off. 

Accessibility Resources

Anthem Accessibility Features for PC

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