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Explore the Plant Heroes of Plants Vs. Zombies 2

Plants Power Mints


A.K.E.E.s lob projectiles that bounce from zombie to zombie. Autonomous Katapulting Ejectomatic Emitter is actively looking for a different acronym for A.K.E.E. because let's face it, "Katapulting" is just not working.


Aloes heal injured plants to their immediate right. Aloe likes to soothe. He likes to alleviate, he likes to restore, he likes to mend. But don't ask him to revive. He's touchy about revival.

Apple Mortar

Apple Mortars lob apple cores that damage and briefly stun zombies over three lanes. Apple Mortar stuns three zombies dead in their tracks. SPAF! That'll show 'em! That'll show ALL of them!

Banana Launcher

Banana Launchers can fire explosive bananas at any tile on the lawn. It's important to avoid stereotyping as much as possible. Stereotypes are often flat-out wrong. And also hurtful. But honestly ... Banana Launcher is TOT


Bloomerangs can hit multiple targets in their lane, twice each coming and going! As the first new member to your home defense team, Bloomerang enjoys long walkabouts with his friend Koala Bear, and listening to his Bob Barley albums out back.


Blovers blow away all zombies in the air. The luckiest stunt clover around, Blover is the most recent recipient of the Stunty Award. You can see his work in "Bulb Fiction," "Rooty," and "Finding Flower." He also teaches a stunt class on Tuesdays at the community center.


Bomegranates explode and leave 3x3 grids of exploding seeds that damage zombies. Bombegranate is explosive, but she likes to think there's more to her than that. She's also deciduous and exarillate!

Bonk Choy

Bonk Choys rapidly punch nearby enemies that are ahead or behind them. A freelance dentist on the side, he’s offering a special this month – he’ll knock two of your teeth out for the price of one!

Bowling Bulb

Bowling Bulbs roll shots that can bounce into multiple zombies. Guess which team has won the League Championship for five years running now? Team Bowling Bulb, that's who. They are on a ROLL. You and your pals think you got what it takes to stop 'em? Yeah, sure. Keep dreamin, bub.


Cabbage-pults hurl cabbages at the enemy. Cabbage-pult received his doctorate in pulting from Harvest University. He knows a thing or two about launching his way to the top. He also makes a mean soup.


Cactus fires a penetrating thorn that can damage multiple enemies! Things have really changed for Cactus lately. Book deals, movies, truck show appearances... she’s just trying to focus on staying humble and launching thorns like always.


Caulipowers use their mental powers to hypnotize random zombies and turn them against their former friends. Caulipower's eyes spin with distress. He's just thought of a really great ending for his novel, but he's afraid his cousin won't understand it.

Celery Stalker

Celery Stalkers wait until zombies pass, then pop up and bash them from behind. Celery Stalker resents the implication that there’s anything unsavory about his attack style. He simply believes that discretion is the better part of vegetation.

Chard Guard

Chard Guards are defensive blockers that can hurl zombies backwards. You might remember Chard Guard from his days in the WWF (that's World Wrestling Foliage). When he was in the ring – boy-oh-boy – he was something to behold! His moves! His style! His attitude! The crowd loved him. He was quite the star for a while there. Sure, those days are behind him. But if you watch carefully, when Chard Guard is fighting zombies, you'll see him use the wrestling move he made famous. The ol' Knock 'Em Dead maneuver – it gets 'em every time.

Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bombs can blow up all zombies in an area. They have a short fuse so plant them near zombies. The Cherry Bomb Brothers attempted to start their own band. “We tried to figure out what the sound would be, but we kept explodonating speakers, stages, fans, and of course, zombies. Look for our LP next year.”

Chili Bean

Chili Beans deliver a crippling bout of gastrointestinal distress. He’s not blushing, he’s trying to hold it in.


Chompers can devour a zombie whole, but they are vulnerable while chewing. Everyone appreciates what Chomper does. His appetite has saved them on numerous occasions. But truth be told, Chomper's friends think that eating zombies is gross. And his breath! No one has the heart to tell him, and he never gets the hint when you offer him a mint.

Coconut Cannon

Coconut Cannons fire down a single lane, causing a medium explosion on impact. Sure, he’s a hairy old man, but Coconut Cannon can still fire on all cylinders. The reason he’s so hairy: he’s in-between waxings.

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Plants vs. Zombies 2, the award-winning hit action-strategy adventure where you meet and defeat legions of hilarious zombies.