Approximating Translucency
for a Fast, Cheap and Convincing Subsurface Scattering Look
GDC 2011
In real-time computer graphics, the interaction of light and matter is often reduced to local reflection described by Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions BRDFs. While this mathematical model is valid for describing surface reflectance of opaque objects, many objects in nature are partly translucent: light travels within the surface. To simulate translucent properties of objects in real-time, such as subsurface scattering in human skin and other surfaces, developers rely on complex and expensive techniques. Conversely, this talk presents a fast and scalable approximation of translucency for a convincing subsurface scattering look which can be implemented on current and next generation video gaming systems.
Colin Barre-Brisebois – GDC 2011 – Approximating Translucency for a Fast, Cheap and Convincing Subsurface-Scattering Look from colinbb