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How to Make the Most of Blasco’s Skills

Tips on how to dominate with the new Specialist and her X6-Infiltration Device.

A highly decorated sailor, fighting to do what’s right. Meet Camila Blasco, the new Specialist coming to Battlefield 2042 with Season 4: Eleventh Hour.

This Recon Class No-Pat is a true ambush expert. If you master her skills and tactical gear, your chances of moving through the battlefield unseen and unharmed should increase. Jumping into battle as Blasco will create unique opportunities to win the day (and have a blast while doing it) using her Specialist Gadget and Trait.

Stay undetected with the X6-Infiltration Device

Blasco is equipped with a signal jammer preventing any lock-ons from hostile devices. Dubbed the X6-Infiltration Device, this Specialist Gadget also interferes with active spotting technology.

When you place this device on the battlefield, take a look at the minimap: you’ll see its area of effect. As long as you stay within this space, you cannot be spotted by enemies. On top of that, any foes entering the area will get a scrambled view on their own minimaps. The X6-Infiltration Device also prevents your foes from locking on to your vehicles with gear like rocket launchers.

So, when and where should you place this helpful piece of tech? If you’ve just captured an objective and your team is defending it, try to place the X6 near key areas and chokepoints, but hidden away (note: it works through walls) so it won’t be destroyed.

If you’re sniping from a hilltop and don’t want to get spotted, you could bring the Gadget to your vantage point and make good use of it there. Or why not give a friendly tank some extra protection by placing your Specialist Gadget close to it? Play around with the X6-Infiltration Device and you’ll likely find even more uses.

Avoid traps thanks to the Ambush Expert Trait

Playing as Blasco, your enemies’ motion-based Gadgets will not be an issue. The Ambush Expert Trait means you will never trigger equipment like Claymores, T-UGS, or Proximity Sensors. Coupled with the fact that you cannot be targeted by Boris’ SG-36 Sentry Gun, the Traits grants many interesting opportunities.

For instance, you can ambush areas where the enemy thinks they are safe. Having placed a motion-sensing Gadget to guard one doorway, your opponent is likely to cover another one. Sneak in undetected and give your foe a nasty surprise.

You can make good use of the intel the Ambush Expert trait gives you. Clear the way for your team mates by warning them about (or simply destroying) the enemies’ motion-sensing hardware.

Blasco is a great choice if you want No-Pat with some sneaky skills. Be a class above with this unique Specialist coming with Battlefield 2042 – Season 4: Eleventh Hour.



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